Trip Planning Zoom Meetings

Trip Planning Zoom Meetings

We are excited to offer live Zoom meetings for Trip Coordinators and Chaperones, as well as for a Pre-Recorded Info Session for Families and Caregivers whose youth are attending the Emerald Bay Outdoor Academy!

EBOA Trip Coordinator and Chaperone Meetings


The Trip Coordinator & Chaperone Meeting is focused on preparing the adults that will be leading the trip to help you make the most of your time at Emerald Bay.


Topics covered include:

-Course Selection & Program Planners

-Creating Cabin & Animal Groups

-Transportation & Boat FAQs

-Preparing your students and families

-Facilities information

-Pertinent Paperwork

-Roles & Responsibilities during your trip

-Additional questions


All Trip Coordinators are expected to attend one of the two meetings (both meetings will cover the same information), or watch the recording of Meeting #1 which will be provided after that meeting. However, attending a live meeting will allow time for your specific questions.


Chaperones that are not Trip Coordinators are highly encouraged to attend one of the meetings or watch the recording. Well prepared chaperones greatly contribute to a fun and successful trip.


We look forward to seeing you!


EBOA Trip Coordinator & Chaperone Meeting #1 

February 26, 2025 at 6:00pm

Click Here to Register

Passcode: Ch@peron3



EBOA Trip Coordinator & Chaperone Meeting #2

April 1, 2025 at 6:00pm

Click Here to Register

Passcode: Ch@peron3!

Family & Caregiver Info Sessions


The Family & Caregiver Pre-Recorded Info Session provides important information to the families and caregivers whose children are attending an overnight school field trip to Emerald Bay. 


Topics covered include:

-Program and Course Overview

-Facilities Information

-Youth Protection and Camp Safety

-How to help your child pack

-How to provide academic, social, and emotional support before and after their trip

-Pertinent Paperwork

-Additional questions


Watching the Family & Caregiver Info Session is optional but encouraged for those with questions or who are new to sending their youth to overnight programs. 

Fall 2024 Info Session recordings can be found below in both English and Spanish.

EBOA Family & Caregiver Info Session

Click Here to Watch the Recording in English


Click Here to Watch the Recording in Spanish (Clic aqui para ver la grabación en español)


Click Here to See the Slides without Recording

Students at Emerald Bay Sign


  • “Emerald Bay took learning and made it fun, which is hard to do”

    Ava, student
  • “I would say that it was a way to get closer to the people that you see everyday. Like for me I feel closer to my classmates than other classes because of this experience. My class and I were the first class in our school to go to this trip and it was filled with many fun activities. I think other people should visit because they will learn many new things and have fun rather than the everyday to day life. It’s nice to do something different. Like for me I sometimes get bored at home but knowing that I had something to do in a new place was nice compared to the same repetitive lifestyle. All of the staff were very helpful and happy to help and answer any questions that you have. The food was also great! Everything had a great flavor and everything was fresh and warm.”

    Emma, student
  • “Emerald Bay is so much fun, it teaches you to be a good contributor to the environment. It takes doing something serious into something fun! It makes your bunkmates feel like they are family, AND you might make new friends!”

    Liam, student